Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Some bubbles - blub blub blub

Hello everybody,

I hope you are all doing well.

I guess you where wondering where I have been the last weeks, since there was no sign of me. Well, I was pretty much under water (work), and I still am. Anyway I want you all to know that I am still alive and miss you by sending some bubbles... I mean pictures.

This is a picture from our ritual burning of the Xmas tree, and the happy ladies enjoying the "little" flame.

Also two pictures from our last evening at the lake with the ritual burning of our TV-room table.

Enjoy and remember the cold outside and the warmth inside.

Puss och kram, Rudi


Laru Laru said...

Nice pictures, nice memories, nice people. :D
David RA.

Laru Laru said...

Awesome, great, fantastic - not just nice ;)

Laru Laru said...

Awesome, great, fantastic - not just nice ;)

Laru Laru said...


Anett and I are both sick. (something new for you?)...we don't know what to do... so we are checking our blog!
awesome photos!

kram och puss *m*